It’s been so long since I’ve last updated that the entire WordPress login screen has changed. I’m pathetic I’m pregnant and I will continue to blame my lack of updates on this. Hey, between pregnancy brain and the sheer lack of motivation to type an entry, what do you expect. I mean, I am updating now so no big deal right? Ok, so… Update…

The gender reveal party has come and gone. My belly has gotten much bigger and this little girl is realizing that she has arms and legs and isn’t afraid of using either set of them to pummel me from the inside. She’s becoming more and more active as the days grow longer and I’m beginning to notice a pattern in her sleep and wake cycles. I’m sure it will become more pronounced as the weeks go by.

Speaking of days growing longer, for the first time in my life, I was hit with SAD, seasonal affective disorder. I didn’t think this existed until I realized that it was pitch black dark at like 5pm and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. It made me so sad. Not to mention, C was still in school at the time and she was gone on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Being home alone made it worse. Then came the insomnia, sleep deprivation and dehydration. About a week or two ago, I was dizzy, couldn’t sleep and my stomach was so uneasy. This went on for about 2 days before I told C the totality of it all and she took me to Patient First. My diagnosis: I’m pregnant. No shit. They really did a pregnancy test and wrote this as one of the diagnosis as if this (at the time) 24 week belly wasn’t protruding enough for Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder to notice it. But any who, the doctor said that I was dehydrated and sleep deprived which is a vicious cycle that feeds on itself. He gave me Benadryl to get to sleep, Phenergan for the nausea, and Zofran in case it gets really bad. As much as I didn’t want to pop any pills during this pregnancy, I took 2 Benadryl, 1 Phenergan and slept pretty good that night. I stayed home the next day to rest up and decided that while I was home, I would put away Baby C’s things in her new dresser. Yep, the nursery is just about done. All we need is a rug and a bookshelf. I’ve been doing better in the sleeping department although it was rough getting to sleep last night. For the most part, my anxiety with sleeping isn’t as severe as it was the first few days after my Patient First visit. C assured me that the anxiety attacks that I was experiencing at night fall were normal and would go away once I established a regular habit of falling asleep on my own accord and she was right. I try not to obsess over whether or not I will be able to sleep and simply try to relax. This in combination with C rubbing my back as needed has helped tremendously.


So, now we are at 25 weeks, pushing 26 and roughly 101 days until my due date. I’m secretly pulling for March 17th though. Upcoming events include the dreaded glucose test, our tour of the hospital OB unit and I will be scheduling a lactation class for C and I to attend. C and the rest of the family is also planning a big baby shower for next month.

Happy Holidays bloggers!


Rounding Out During the Holidays

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